Judge restores Obama-era drilling ban in Arctic

President Donald Trump exceeded his authority when he reversed bans on offshore drilling in vast parts of the Arctic Ocean and dozens of canyons in the Atlantic Ocean, a U.S. judge said in a ruling that restored the Obama-era ...

Surprising findings on forest fires

Lake Van in eastern Turkey is considered a unique climate archive. Several years ago, an international team of scientists led by the University of Bonn raised sediments from the bottom of the lake reflecting the past 600,000 ...

Drilling deep for clues on earthquakes

Lingering motion sickness is one of the occupational hazards of working at sea off the coast of Japan for three weeks. Hiroki Sone can attest to that, having spent part of the fall 2018 semester on the deepest scientific ...

Martian drill set for Antarctic climate mission

A drill originally developed to break through Martian rocks is set to be deployed to Antarctica on a mission which could help us understand the history of Earth's changing climate.

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