Scientists crash test DNA's replication machinery

( -- Important molecular machines routinely crash into one another while plying their trades on DNA. New research shows that the enzymes that copy DNA before cell division, called replisomes, are the kings of ...

Important molecular pathway for control of aging discovered

One of the ways cells in different kinds of tissue communicate is by exchanging RNA molecules. In experiments with roundworms of the species Caenorhabditis elegans, researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) ...

Novel targets identified for treatment of schistosomiasis

The worms that cause schistosomiasis (Schistosoma mansoni) are unusual in several ways, especially the fact that male and female adults must stay paired together throughout their lives for reproduction to be successful. Females ...

Researchers develop new tool for targeted cell control

Thanks to new RNA vaccines, we humans have been able to protect ourselves incredibly quickly from new viruses like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. These vaccines insert a piece of ephemeral genetic material into ...

Study rewrites dogma of adenovirus infection and double-stranded RNA

Challenging the dogma of what scientists thought they understood about DNA viruses, a team of researchers led by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has shown that adenovirus uses its own efficient RNA splicing mechanisms ...

RNA insecticide could target specific pests

A novel insecticide targets a specific gene in a pest, killing only that bug species on crops and avoiding collateral damage to beneficial insects caused by today's pesticides.

Virus rounds up enzymes, disarms plant

University of Tokyo researchers have described how a plant-virus protein suppresses an important plant defense mechanism that remembers viral genetic information, providing a new target for developing the first-ever chemical ...

Edited RNA + invasive DNA add individuality

The story of why we are all so different goes well beyond the endless mixing and matching of DNA through breeding. A new study in the journal Nature Communications, for instance, reports a new molecular mechanism of individual ...

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