First demonstration of sexual selection in dinosaurs identified

Large ornamental structures in dinosaurs, such as horns and head crests are likely to have been used in sexual displays and to assert social dominance, according to a new analysis of Protoceratops carried out by scientists ...

The brains of birds synchronize when they sing duets

When a male or female white-browed sparrow-weaver begins its song, its partner joins in at a certain time. They duet with each other by singing in turn and precisely in tune. A team led by researchers from the Max Planck ...

Bull elephants' social behavior varies with the rainfall

( -- The lone bull elephant is an image as iconic to the African savanna as the lonesome cowboy on horseback is to the American West. Although female elephants form tightly knit groups guided by a matriarch, ...

France convicts Google Maps for unfair competition

A French commercial court has found Google guilty of abusing the dominant position of its Google Maps application and ordered it to pay a fine and damages to a French mapping company.

Google faces moment of truth on monopoly probe

Google faces a moment of truth in the coming weeks over a lengthy US probe into potential abuse of its Internet search dominance, amid regulatory woes on both sides of the Atlantic.

Google is sounding more and more like Microsoft

Google once famously adopted "don't be evil" as its motto. But the company is now being accused of acting a lot like Microsoft, whose anti-competitive actions gained it the mocking moniker of the "Evil Empire."

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