Chinese drone maker denies giving data to government

The Chinese company that is the world's biggest maker of commercial drones is denying claims in a U.S. government document circulated online that it gives Beijing information about American law enforcement and utility companies.

Big data creates family tree of constitutions

Inspired by the challenge to see how ideas are shared between nation's through their founding documents, researchers at Dartmouth College have constructed a big data, evolutionary taxonomy of the world's constitutions.

Did Teddy Evans fatally undermine Scott of the Antarctic?

The 1912 death of Scott of the Antarctic and four companions has long been blamed on poor planning by Scott, but documents discovered by a UNSW researcher reveal a different story – and a possible cover up.

Why don't my document photos rotate correctly?

John, an insurance planner, took several photos of a competitors' new brochures. At a meeting, he opened a photo gallery to discuss the documents with his colleagues. He found, however, that the photos of the document had ...

Arrest in NSA news leak fuels debate on source protection

It was a major scoop for The Intercept— documents suggesting a concerted Russian effort to hack US election systems—but the online news site is drawing fire in media circles following the arrest of the alleged source ...

Uber fires autonomous car researcher involved in lawsuit

Uber has followed through on threats to fire star autonomous-car researcher Anthony Levandowski, whose hiring touched off a bitter trade-secrets fight with Waymo, the former self-driving car arm of Google.

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