New information on the waste-disposal units of living cells

Important new information on one of the most critical protein machines in living cells has been reported by a team of researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and ...

Team screens cardiac drugs that also attack cancer

Several drugs now being used to treat heart failure and atrial arrhythmia also show promise as DNA disruptors in cancer cells and could be readily repurposed as anticancer agents, according to a new study by Yale researchers.

Deciphering potent DNA toxin's secrets

One of the most potent toxins known acts by welding the two strands of the famous double helix together in a unique fashion which foils the standard repair mechanisms cells use to protect their DNA.

Scientists sequence DNA of cancer-resistant rodent

Scientists at the University of Liverpool, in partnership with The Genome Analysis Centre, Norwich, have generated the first whole-genome sequencing data of the naked mole-rat, a rodent that is resistant to cancer and lives ...

Electrical wire properties of DNA linked to cancer

One of the biggest helpers in our bodies' ongoing efforts to prevent DNA mutations—mutations that can lead to cancer—is actually rather tiny. Electrons, as it turns out, can signal proteins that repair DNA to patch up ...

Solving a long-standing biological search problem

How the cell can mend broken DNA using another DNA copy as template has puzzled researchers for years. How is it possible to find the correct sequences in the busy interior of the cell? Researchers from Uppsala university ...

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