The right way to repair DNA

Is it better to do a task quickly and make mistakes, or to do it slowly but perfectly? When it comes to deciding how to fix breaks in DNA, cells face the same choice between two major repair pathways. The decision matters, ...

High fidelity: Researcher finds keys to genome integrity

Maintaining the stability and the correct sequence of our genetic information is vital to the accurate transmission of our genetic code. However, in the course of replicating, our DNA frequently runs into roadblocks, arising ...

Study Confirms DNA Repair Model After 26 Years

( -- UC Davis researchers have confirmed a central idea about chromosome repair, more than a quarter century after it was first proposed. The finding is important to scientists who seek to understand DNA repair, ...

The keys to a major process in DNA repair

Researchers from the Institut Jacques Monod (CNRS/University of Paris Diderot), the Institute of Biology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS/CNRS/Inserm), and the University of Bristol, have described for the first time ...

Research finds enzymes essential for DNA repair

Scientists at ANU and Heidelberg University in Germany have found an essential component in the DNA repair process which could open the door to the development of new cancer drugs.

Team solves mystery associated with DNA repair

Every time a human or bacterial cell divides it first must copy its DNA. Specialized proteins unzip the intertwined DNA strands while others follow and build new strands, using the originals as templates. Whenever these proteins ...

Male beetles neglect their genomes when competing for females

Male beetles face a trade-off between competing with other males for mating opportunities and repairing damage to their sperm DNA, according to a study published April 4 in the open access journal PLOS Biology by Mareike ...

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