Related topics: google · copyright infringement

Apple appeals decision in case against Samsung

Apple is appealing a judge's refusal to bar Samsung smartphones from the U.S. market after a jury found Samsung used some Apple technology without permission.

Judge allows evidence against man in GPS case

(AP)—A federal judge is allowing prosecutors to use evidence in a drug conspiracy conviction that had been overturned because police used a global positioning system without a warrant.

Apple-Samsung billion-dollar legal duel continues

Apple and Samsung will face off in federal court on Thursday over whether a juror's own legal dispute wrongly led to the South Korean firm being hit with a billion-dollar patent damages award.

US judge lifts Samsung tablet ban

A judge on Monday lifted a ban on US sales of Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1 computers as the South Korean firm added Apple's new iPhone 5 to a patent brawl between the two market rivals.

Taiwan's AUO to appeal over US price-fixing fine

Taiwan's AU Optronics said Friday it would appeal against a US court decision to fine it $500 million for taking part in what prosecutors called the "most serious price-fixing" case in US history.

Samsung 'disappointed' at US judge's tablet decision

Samsung Electronics said Thursday it was "disappointed" at a US judge's refusal to lift a ban on US sales of its tablet computer as it fights a long-running global legal battle with arch-rival Apple.

Minnesota woman loses music downloading appeal

(AP)—A woman accused of sharing songs online owes record companies $222,000 for willful copyright violations, a federal appeals court said Tuesday, reversing a lower court's ruling in a long-running lawsuit over music downloading.

BP accused of gross negligence in US spill

The US Justice Department has accused oil giant BP of "gross negligence and willful misconduct" in the massive 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill, in court documents obtained Wednesday.

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