Fruit bats 'vitally important' to Guam's forests

Seed dispersal on Guam, a crucial process for regenerating and diversifying the island's forests that has significantly declined with the diminishing bird population, is still being carried out by the few remaining Mariana ...

Weka: Sandwich-stealing scallywags or ecosystem managers?

Weka are often portrayed as little more than sandwich-stealing scallywags. The large, brown flightless bird's tendency to be curious and gobble any food available (whether it be an unwatched biscuit, penguin egg or endangered ...

Assessing air-quality forecasting for London

An assessment of local and regional air-quality forecasts for London, UK is reported in the International Journal of Environment and Pollution. In their evaluation, Amy Stidworthy, Mark Jackson, Kate Johnson, David Carruthers, ...

Deciphering seed dispersal decisions of agouti rodents

Much like the squirrels and chipmunks in deciduous climates, there is a cat-sized creature in tropical regions that practices scatter hoarding – burying the seeds they find if they don't eat them right away.

Bacterial mix helps predict future change

A controlled, laboratory approach, along with computer simulations, has helped KAUST researchers to show that bacterial communities can homogenously disperse within aquatic ecosystems, even with slow-flowing water and the ...

Study sheds light on social drivers of animal dispersal

Why would male and female animals choose different reproductive strategies? For golden lion tamarins in the Brazilian rain forest, the answer may offer clues to help save this neotropical primate.

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