First detailed look at young dusty discs around ageing stars

( -- Astronomers from the University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur in France have used the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile to discover discs ...

TV makers ready to test depths of market for 3-D

(AP) -- This is supposedly the year 3-D television becomes the hot new thing: Updated sets and disc players are coming out, and 3-D cable channels are in the works. But it's not clear the idea will reach out and grab mainstream ...

Five-Dimensional DVD Could Hold Data of 30 Blu-ray Discs

( -- While many people think that Blu-ray will replace DVDs in the near future, a new study shows that DVDs may still have a lot to offer. Researchers have designed a five-dimensional DVD that can store 1.6 terabytes ...

Sometimes the next big thing is no big deal

I unpacked my vintage earphones and compact disc player on a recent flight to Washington and settled back for a few hours of uninterrupted fumbling with CDs and untangling various cords and wires.

It's the year of the terabyte

I remember my first hard drive. Back then, getting a hard drive for your computer was tantamount to a rite of passage. It meant that you no longer had to struggle inserting floppy discs with their limited capacities and ...

Netflix ups fees for Blu-ray amid rising demand

(AP) -- Online DVD rental leader Netflix Inc. is raising its prices for Blu-ray discs in a change that will triple or quadruple the high-definition surcharge on Netflix's most popular subscription plans.

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