Lunar Polar Craters May Be Electrified (w/ Video)

( -- As the solar wind flows over natural obstructions on the moon, it may charge polar lunar craters to hundreds of volts, according to new calculations by NASA’s Lunar Science Institute team.

Hormone alters electric fish's signal-canceling trick

During the rainy breeding season, the underwater "conversation" among electric fish changes. Fish revved up to make a match broadcast slightly different signals to advertise their presence and identify compatible mates.

80-year-old mystery in static electricity finally solved

Historically, contact electrification (CE) was humanity's first and only source of electricity up until around the 18th century, yet its true nature is still elusive. Today it is considered a core component of technologies ...

Early Earth's atmosphere was less conducive to lightning

In 1952, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey made sparks fly in a gas-filled flask meant to reflect the composition of Earth's atmosphere around 3.8 billion years ago. Their results suggested that lightning could have led to prebiotic ...

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