Electron's shapeliness throws a curve at supersymmetry

A small band of particle-seeking scientists at Yale and Harvard has established a new benchmark for the electron's almost perfect roundness, raising doubts about certain theories that predict what lies beyond physics' reigning ...

JILA team develops 'spinning trap' to measure electron roundness

JILA researchers have developed a method of spinning electric and magnetic fields around trapped molecular ions to measure whether the ions' tiny electrons are truly round—research with major implications for future scientific ...

Reaction rate of many molecules depends on their shape

Most molecules occur in several shapes, which may behave very differently. Using a sorting machine for molecules, a German–Swiss research team can now for the first time directly measure the various reaction rates of different ...

A liquid crystal force to reckon with

A need for fast, solution-based processing of organic electronic devices has sparked increased interest in 'discotic' or disc-shaped liquid crystals. These molecules, which contain a flat aromatic core surrounded by hydrocarbon ...

Pressure sensor array made with polyamino acid

Japanese researchers from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), have developed an all-printed flexible pressure sensor in collaboration with Ajinomoto Co., Inc.

Exotic new matter expected in ultracold atoms

(PhysOrg.com) -- Just as NASA engineers test new rocket designs in computer studies before committing themselves to full prototypes, so physicists will often model matter under various circumstances to see whether something ...

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