Uncovering the secrets of water and ice as materials

Water is vital to life on Earth and its importance simply can't be overstated—it's also deeply rooted within our conscience that there's something extremely special about it. Yet, from a scientific point of view, much remains ...

Organic 2-D films could lead to better solar cells

(PhysOrg.com) -- Solar cells made from organic materials are inexpensive, lightweight and flexible, but their performance lags behind cells that contain silicon or other inorganic materials. Cornell chemist William Dichtel ...

Aperiodic crystals and beyond

Once a contradiction in terms, aperiodic crystals show instead that "long-range order" has never been defined. Whatever it means, decades of intense research have shown it to be more complex and surprising than anyone suspected ...

New nano color sorters from Molecular Foundry

Berkeley Lab researchers have engineered a new class of bowtie-shaped devices that capture, filter and steer light at the nanoscale. These "nano-colorsorter" devices act as antennae to focus and sort light in tiny spaces, ...

'Super-resolution' microscope possible for nanostructures

(Phys.org) —Researchers have found a way to see synthetic nanostructures and molecules using a new type of super-resolution optical microscopy that does not require fluorescent dyes, representing a practical tool for biomedical ...

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