Related topics: autism

A molecular machine's secret weapon exposed

RNAs are having a moment. The foundation of COVID-19 vaccines, they've made their way from biochemistry textbooks into popular magazines and everyday discussions. Entire companies have been launched that are dedicated to ...

Jigsaw a critical piece of the Notch puzzle

The Notch signaling pathway helps determine cell fate determination, differentiation and proliferative ability of numerous cells. How it accomplishes these tasks has been a puzzle, but researchers led by those at Baylor College ...

Understanding key enzyme's role in embryonic development

The catalytic activity of an enzyme called Set1A—a protein that is essential to the viability of embryonic stem cells (ESCs)—is not required for ESC self-renewal, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in ...

Hacker seeks reduced sentence, citing Asperger's

(AP) -- A computer hacker who was a force behind one of the largest cases of credit card theft in U.S. history says he has a developmental disorder and is asking for a reduced sentence.

Stem cell model offers first glimpse of early human development

It's one of life's most defining moments—that crucial step in embryonic development, when an indistinct ball of cells rearranges itself into the orderly three-layered structure that sets the stage for all to come. Known ...

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