Researchers report new understanding of deep earthquakes

Researchers have known for decades that deep earthquakes—those deeper than 60 kilometers, or about 37 miles below the Earth's surface—radiate seismic energy differently than those that originate closer to the surface. ...

Scientists explain the impacts of aerosol radiative forcing

Aerosols are colloids of tiny solid or liquid particles suspended in the atmosphere. Their diameters typically range between 0.001 and 100 μm. Aerosols are recognized as a major factor influencing global and regional climate ...

Europe finding common cause over conspiracy theories

With conspiracy theories moving from the fringes of society to inspiring political rhetoric and policy making, COST is helping a network of academics to study this fascinating subject in greater depth than ever before.

Islands on Titan may actually be bubble streams

(—A team of researchers from several institutions in France and Mexico has developed computer models that simulate conditions on Saturn's largest moon Titan showing that some of the islands on the planet's surface ...

A bird's blind spot plays an important role in its vision

The width of a bird's visual binocular field is partially determined by the size of the blind area in front of its head, according to a study published March 29, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Luke Tyrrell and ...

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