Lack of sleep is not necessarily fatal for flies

Male flies kept awake do not die earlier than those allowed to sleep, leading researchers to question whether sleep, in flies at least, is essential for staying alive.

Why the system needs sleep

Sleep is essential for brain functionality and overall health but understanding how sleep delivers its beneficial effects remains largely unknown. In an article publishing on August 9 in the open access journal PLOS Biology, ...

Broadband internet causes sleep deprivation, a new study finds

About 200,000 working days are lost in Germany every year due to insufficient sleep, with an economic loss of $60 billion, or about 1.6 percent of its GDP, according to a 2016 Report of the RAND Corporation. Francesco Billari ...

New crew and new research in Antarctica

The Concordia research station in Antarctica is a place of extremes: for nine months no supplies can be delivered, the nearest living beings are 600 km away at the Russian Vostok station, and the Sun does not rise above the ...

The role of tiny RNA in genetic diversity

All species, from zebrafish to humans, possess a genetically diverse collection of traits that allow them to adapt to changing environments. Yet scientists do not fully understand how organisms reach a state of optimal diversity—just ...

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