Why you should talk to your children about Cambridge Analytica

Former Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie blew the whistle last month. He revealed the data analytics agency harvested Facebook data from more than 50 million individual profiles, matched these with electoral ...

New light on the mysterious origin of Bornean elephants

The Bornean elephant is a subspecies of the Asian elephant that only exists in a small region of Borneo. Their presence on this southeastern Asian island has been a mystery. Now, in a study published in Scientific Reports, ...

Bryde's whales share secrets with their fins

Research into the long-term survival and abundance of the Hauraki Gulf's Bryde's whale population has used photographs of their fins to aid efforts in improving the management of the small population.

Team reveals the whole genome sequences of rare red bat

A recent study, affiliated with the Korean Genomics Industrialization and Commercialization Center (KOGIC) at South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has presented the first whole genome sequence ...

Political polarization? Don't blame the web, study says

A study by a Brown University economist has found that recent growth in political polarization is largest for demographic groups in which individuals are least likely to use the internet and social media—a finding that ...

The harmful effects of the aging Asian population on the economy

Many Asian economies are currently faced with the challenge of rapidly ageing population, which can be harmful to the economy in the long run. The study, conducted by Dr Keisuke Otsu from the University's School of Economics ...

Demographic change depresses tax revenues

Population aging and ultimately population shrinking in Germany will depress tax revenues in the medium and long term, as a recent analysis by Fraunhofer FIT and Prognos shows.

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