Is there a natural limit to how long humans can live?

Humans may live longer and longer, but eventually we all grow old and die. This leads to a simple question: is there an intrinsic maximum limit to human lifespan or not? There are two equally simple answers. Either there ...

Ethnicity doesn't seem to affect annexation decisions like race

In the American South, race has been shown in numerous studies to play a role in municipal annexation decisions: predominantly white municipalities were less likely to extend the city limits to include adjacent areas with ...

Avoiding demographic cliques build stronger team

Cliques make team players less altruistic. That is the finding from a study of teams in business and not-for-profit organizations published this month in the European Journal of International Management. The study has implications ...

'Average American' will slide down income scale

The median household income for Americans reached an all-time high in 2000, fell during the recession of 2001, and was only approaching its 2000 level in 2007 when the Great Recession struck. By 2011 it had fallen back to ...

Young adults and driving: 'Ain't nobody got time for that'

More than a third of young adults who don't drive say they are too busy to get a driver's license—and more than a fifth have no intention of ever learning to drive, say researchers at the University of Michigan.

Study finds more tweets means more votes for political candidates

An Indiana University study found that the percentage of votes for Republican and Democratic candidates in 2010 and 2012 races for the U.S. House of Representatives could be predicted by the percentage of tweets that mentioned ...

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