Ant soldiers don't need big brains

Army ant (Eciton) soldiers are bigger but do not have larger brains than other workers within the same colony that fulfill more complex tasks, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Zoology. A collaborative ...

In India, swapping crops could save water and improve nutrition

India will need to feed approximately 394 million more people by 2050, and that's going to be a significant challenge. Nutrient deficiencies are already widespread in India today—30 percent or more are anemic—and many ...

Research gives new ray of hope for solar fuel

A team of Renewable Energy experts from the University of Exeter has pioneered a new technique to produce hydrogen from sunlight to create a clean, cheap and widely-available fuel.

World's carbon emissions on the rise again: IEA

Harmful carbon emissions from energy rose in 2017 for the first time in three years, the International Energy Agency said Thursday, proof that the world's efforts to fight climate change are falling short.

Indonesia's electricity subsidy reforms led to improved efficiency

Indonesia has been home to some of the world's largest subsidies for electricity use. Electricity prices have been set at low levels, with the government making transfers to Indonesia's electricity utility, Perusahaan Listrik ...

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