Does omega-3 algal oil improve osteoarthritis in dogs?

Owners of dogs showing signs of osteoarthritis are being asked by the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences to take part in the first study of its kind to find out whether an omega-3 oil derived from algae ...

How can the salamander help fight degenerative disease?

Ever asked yourself why some animals can regenerate lost body parts, yet we can't grow back a limb? A new Australian research collaboration is offering a chance to solve this puzzle in the fight to cure degenerative diseases. ...

Research shows great promise for millet grains

Climate change, water scarcity, increasing world population, and rising food prices are only some of the socioeconomic factors that threaten agriculture and food security worldwide, especially for disadvantaged populations ...

Can osteoarthritis affect a dog's mood?

It is well known that osteoarthritis (OA) can have an emotional impact on humans but is this the case in dogs? Researchers at the University of Bristol are looking for dogs affected by the condition to take part in an arthritis ...

Mechanism that may trigger degenerative disease identified

( -- A mechanism that regulates stem-cell differentiation in mice testes suggests a similar process that may trigger degenerative disease in humans, according to a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences reproductive ...

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