How semiconductor defects could boost quantum technology

In diamonds (and other semiconducting materials), defects are a quantum sensor's best friend. That's because defects, essentially a jostled arrangement of atoms, sometimes contain electrons with an angular momentum, or spin, ...

Yeast with more than 50% synthetic genome is created in the lab

Researchers have combined over seven synthetic chromosomes that were made in the lab into a single yeast cell, resulting in a strain with more than 50% synthetic DNA that survives and replicates similarly to wild yeast strains.

Simulations reveal the atomic-scale story of qubits

Researchers led by Giulia Galli at University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering report a computational study that predicts the conditions to create specific spin defects in silicon carbide. Their findings, ...

The dance of organ positioning: A tango of three proteins

In order to keep track of their environment, cells use cilia, antenna-like structures that can sense a variety of stimuli, including the flow of fluids outside the cell. Genetic defects that cause cilia to malfunction and ...

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