Former US official to head cybersecurity at Sony

Japanese electronics giant Sony, which suffered a huge data breach this year, named a former top US Department of Homeland Security official on Tuesday to lead its cybersecurity efforts.

Applying a network perspective to human physiology

In modern medicine, physicians treat organs in isolation. People with heart conditions go to heart specialists, just as those with kidney ailments seek kidney specialists. While this model has made tremendous progress and ...

Xbox Music to offer on-demand music free on tablet

Buyers of tablets that run Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows 8, are in for a pleasant musical surprise: they'll be able to handpick from a selection of millions of songs and stream them for free as long as they ...

Enzyme's unfrozen adventure: In crystallo protein thermodynamics

Enzymes—biocatalysts made of proteins—are hugely important molecules that catalyze the reactions and processes in living organisms. Ongoing work to understand their structures and reaction mechanisms is therefore vital ...

The rise of Facebook and 'the operating system of our lives'

Recent changes announced by social media giant Facebook have roiled the media community and raised questions about privacy. The company's updates include a higher level of news feed priority for posts made by friends and ...

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