Streaming video over temporary networks

Self-configuring data networks may provide crucial help to emergency and rescue operations in hard-to-access areas. Norwegian researchers are developing software that makes it easier to transmit vital video streams over such ...

Large streams of data warn cars, banks and oil drillers

Better warning systems that alert motorists to a collision, make banks aware of the risk of losses on bad customers, and tell oil companies about potential problems with new drilling. This is the aim of AMIDST, the EU project ...

Worldwide mobile data traffic to rocket: Cisco

The amount of data sent to or from mobile gadgets around the world annually will rocket to hit the equivalent of 33 billion full-length DVD films by the year 2016, computer networking titan Cisco forecast on Tuesday.

Storm killers: Earth Scan Lab tracks cold water upwellings in Gulf

Complex interactions between the ocean and overlying atmosphere cause hurricanes to form, and also have a tremendous amount of influence on the path, intensity and duration of a hurricane or tropical weather event. As researchers ...

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