Verifying the mathematics behind ocean modeling

Global climate models, such as the Energy Exascale Earth System Model developed by the U.S. Department of Energy, rely on many underlying equations that simulate Earth's natural processes. These include the water cycle, carbon ...

Why we need to rethink what we know about dust

You may think of dust as an annoyance to be vacuumed and disposed of, but actually, on a grander scale, it is far more important than most people realize. Globally, dust plays a critical role in regulating our climate, radiation ...

Meet NASA's twin spacecraft headed to the ends of the Earth

Two new miniature NASA satellites will start crisscrossing Earth's atmosphere in a few months, detecting heat lost to space. Their observations from the planet's most bone-chilling regions will help predict how our ice, seas, ...

Innovative hybrid models enhance soil moisture forecasting

Soil moisture intricately influences climate and hydrological systems by modulating water and energy exchange processes. Accurate predictions of soil moisture are not only instrumental in drought monitoring but are crucial ...

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