Decrypting cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies have been treated as a financial terra incognita—they have enjoyed growing interest but also raised concerns due to their virtuality. The use of statistical methods utilizing correlation matrices to analyze ...

Caribbean gets smart to cope with hurricanes

After monster Hurricane Irma annihilated the farm sector of Barbuda in 2017, growers got smart: among other changes, they moved their crops to higher ground.

Zimbabwe's capital runs dry as taps cut off for 2M people

The more than 2 million residents of Zimbabwe's capital and surrounding towns are now without water after authorities shut down the city's main treatment plant, raising new fears about disease after a recent cholera outbreak ...

US central bank to study Facebook virtual currency

The US Federal Reserve has created a "working group" that is coordinating with government agencies and other central banks to consider the implications of Facebook's planned virtual currency Libra, chairman Jerome Powell ...

Cyber attacks cost $45 bn in 2018 as ransomware hits hard

An estimated two million cyber attacks in 2018 resulted in more than $45 billion in losses worldwide as local governments struggled to cope with ransomware and other malicious incidents, a study showed Tuesday.

Is Bitcoin the new gold standard or another fiat?

A statistical analysis of volatility in cryptocurrencies has been carried out using a news impact curve. The analysis provides empirical evidence that could help economists decide whether these modern digital currencies are ...

Facebook's Libra might be the best bet for cryptocurrency

Facebook's recent announcement of plans to launch a new digital currency called Libra was met with a skeptical or even alarmed response from lawmakers, regulators and leaders of foreign governments concerned about the impact ...

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