Quantum matter breakthrough: Tuning density waves

Scientists at EPFL have found a new way to create a crystalline structure called a "density wave" in an atomic gas. The findings can help us better understand the behavior of quantum matter, one of the most complex problems ...

Scientists solve mystery of cubic ice

Scientists from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have made a major breakthrough in the study of ice by confirming the formation of pure-phase cubic ice at low-temperature interfaces.

Study reveals origin of superconductivity in nickelates

Nickelates are a material class that has excited scientists because of its recently discovered superconducting ability, and now a new study led by Cornell has changed where scientists thought this ability might originate, ...

A crystal, but not as we know it

When we think of crystals, we think of ice, kitchen salt, quartz, and so on—hard solids whose shapes show a regular pattern.

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