Flame cyber virus linked to more malware: report

The Flame virus believed to be part of a cyberwarfare effort against Iran was developed as early as 2006 and is linked to at least three other malware programs, a new analysis said Monday.

How climate change impacts the economy

The Fourth National Climate Assessment, published in 2018, warned that if we do not curb greenhouse gas emissions and start to adapt, climate change could seriously disrupt the U.S. economy. Warmer temperatures, sea level ...

WikiLeaks reveals US global interests

WikiLeaks has released a secret list of infrastructure from pipelines to smallpox vaccine suppliers whose loss or attack by terrorists could "critically impact" US security in the view of the State Department.

No apparent Stuxnet impact in US: cyber official

Computer software targeted by Stuxnet is used in US infrastructure but the virus does not appear to have affected any systems in the United States, a US cybersecurity official said Tuesday.

Hack of US regulator a blow to confidence in financial system

The hack disclosed at the US Securities and Exchange Commission deals a fresh blow to confidence in the security of the financial system weeks after news of a potentially catastrophic breach at a major US credit bureau.

Senators revive US cybersecurity bill, with changes

A group of US senators has revived stalled cybersecurity legislation by offering compromises to address civil liberties concerns, an effort quickly endorsed by President Barack Obama.

Changing climate poses threat to power plants, US report says

Power plants across the country are at increased risk of temporary shutdown and reduced power generation as temperatures and sea levels continue to rise and water becomes less available, the Department of Energy said Thursday.

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