Russian man sentenced to 27 years in hacking case

A federal judge on Friday handed down the longest sentence ever imposed in the U.S. for a cybercrime case to the son of a member of the Russian Parliament convicted of hacking into more than 500 U.S. businesses and stealing ...

Artificial atoms shed light on the future of security

From credit card numbers to bank account information, we transmit sensitive digital information over the internet every day. Since the 1990s, though, researchers have known that quantum computers threaten to disrupt the security ...

Beyond the Yahoo hack: Other major data breaches

The Yahoo hack exposed personal details from at least 500 million user accounts, potentially the largest breach of an email provider in history. Despite the size of the break-in, attackers don't appear to have accessed obviously ...

Fuzzy logic helps detect redirection spam

Web browsers might soon use fuzzy logic to spot redirection spam and save users from being scammed, phished or opening malicious sites unwittingly, according to researchers in India writing in the International Journal of ...

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