Related topics: plants

New method analyzes corn kernel characteristics

An ear of corn averages about 800 kernels. A traditional field method to estimate the number of kernels on the ear is to manually count the number of rows and multiply by the number of kernels in one length of the ear. With ...

How do atmospheric shifts affect soil-dwelling microbes?

Rising levels of carbon dioxide, ozone and other gases can affect crop growth. Microorganisms inside crops, on their roots or within nearby soil also influence crops by contributing nutrients, curbing disease and combating ...

Clover-corn combo benefits corn, soil, business

Living mulch functions like mulch on any farm or garden except—it's alive. No, it's not out of the latest horror movie; living mulch is a system farmers can use to benefit both profits and the soil. While the system has ...

Pest resistance to biotech crops surging

In 2016, farmers worldwide planted more than 240 million acres (98 million hectares) of genetically modified corn, cotton and soybeans that produce insect-killing proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt. ...

Syngenta settles US farmer lawsuits in China corn trade case

Swiss agribusiness giant Syngenta said Tuesday it has agreed to settle tens of thousands of U.S. lawsuits by farmers over the company's rollout of a genetically engineered corn seed variety before China approved it for imports.

Scientists unravel mysteries of DNA replication in corn

DNA replication is among life's most important processes, providing a way for an organism's genetic material to be reproduced so it can be passed from cell to cell. For the first time, scientists have characterized that process ...

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