Related topics: plants

Drill-interseeded cover crops in V3 corn reap benefits

Research published in the journal Weed Science shows that drill-interseeded cover crops into vegetative growth stage 3 (V3) corn performs well in Northeast U.S. production regions. The paper is titled "Light partitioning ...

A nematode gel to protect crops in Africa and Asia

The fall armyworm is a destructive corn pest that recently arrived in Africa and Asia from the Americas and began causing major yield losses and increased use of insecticides, which pose environmental and human health risks.

Researchers discover corn reduces arsenic toxicity in soil

When crops grow in arsenic-contaminated soil, this toxic element accumulates in the food chain. A study involving the University of Basel has now discovered a mechanism used by corn plants to reduce arsenic uptake: the key ...

Study finds corn genome can gang up on multiple pathogens at once

In a changing climate, corn growers must be ready for anything, including new and shifting disease dynamics. Because it's impossible to predict which damaging disease will pop up in a given year, corn with resistance to ...

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