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Climate change is messing with how we measure time: Study

Struggle to wrap your head around daylight savings? Spare a thought for the world's timekeepers, who are trying to work out how climate change is affecting Earth's rotation—and in turn, how we keep track of time.

Hierarchy expansion: When should a startup hire managers?

In a new study out of Vanderbilt Business, Professor Megan Lawrence explores a common challenge growing organizations face: how to continue to organize and coordinate the work of its growing body of employees.

ALMA successfully restarts observations after cyberattack

Forty-eight days after suspending observations due to a cyberattack, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is observing the sky again. The computing staff has worked diligently to rebuild the affected JAO ...

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Coordination is the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect to fulfill desired goals in an organization.Coordination is a managerial function in which different activities of the business are properly adjusted and interlinked.

Coordination may also refer to:

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