Related topics: superconductors

Electrons always find a (quantum) way

Scientists from the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the Department of Physics at the University of Basel have demonstrated for the first time how electrons are transported from a superconductor through a quantum dot into ...

Unparticles may provide a new path to superconductivity

(—Physicists have proposed that a hypothetical form of matter called "unparticles" may play a key role in mediating superconductivity—the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero resistance.

Warming up the world of superconductors

A superconductor that works at room temperature was long thought impossible, but scientists at USC may have discovered a family of materials that could make it reality.

New evidence for an exotic, predicted superconducting state

Superconductors and magnetic fields do not usually get along. But a research team led by a Brown University physicist has produced new evidence for an exotic superconducting state, first predicted a half-century ago, that ...

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