Related topics: superconductors

Unparticles may provide a new path to superconductivity

(—Physicists have proposed that a hypothetical form of matter called "unparticles" may play a key role in mediating superconductivity—the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero resistance.

Warming up the world of superconductors

A superconductor that works at room temperature was long thought impossible, but scientists at USC may have discovered a family of materials that could make it reality.

New evidence for an exotic, predicted superconducting state

Superconductors and magnetic fields do not usually get along. But a research team led by a Brown University physicist has produced new evidence for an exotic superconducting state, first predicted a half-century ago, that ...

Breaking nature's superfluid symmetry

Superfluids are an exotic state of matter in which particles flow without experiencing viscosity. Hiroki Ikegami and colleagues from the RIKEN Low Temperature Physics Laboratory in Wako have now observed another remarkable ...

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