New method to stop Argentine ants

University of California, Riverside researchers may have found a better, more environmentally friendly way to stop the procession of Argentine ants, which have been spreading across the United States for the past few decades, ...

Use of banned pesticide not isolated event in US territories

Nine months after a vacationing family nearly died from exposure to methyl bromide on the island of St. John, authorities have come to at least one troubling conclusion: The use of the banned pesticide was not an isolated ...

Designer wheat fails anti-aphid field test

The scientific quest for pest-resistant crops suffered a blow Thursday when disappointed British researchers announced their designer wheat failed to repel aphids in the field.

What do walnuts smell like?

Why do some insects lay their eggs in some walnuts and not in others? The answer is to be found in the smell given off by these nuts when they are broken, and that is why it is important to differentiate between the aromas ...

House fly sex may reveal one key to controlling them

The quest of University of Houston professor Richard Meisel to understand how and why males and females differ may one day lead to a more effective means of pest control - namely, the pesky house fly.

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