Related topics: google

Google releases more details on self-driving car accidents

Google is disclosing more details about the 12 accidents involving its self-driving cars so far as part of a commitment to provide monthly updates about the safety and performance of the vehicles.

Your emails are all scanned—and that's what you agreed to

According to Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez, "all human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret". It is in our nature to want privacy, yet in the internet age, it has never been easier to access the ...

German minister advises colleagues to shun Facebook

Germany's consumer protection minister has warned her fellow cabinet members against using Facebook to promote their work citing data security concerns, in an internal letter obtained by Der Spiegel.

US privacy groups welcome 'Do Not Track' bill

Privacy and consumer groups welcomed a "Do Not Track" bill introduced in the US Senate on Monday that would let Internet users block companies from gathering information about their online activities.

Google rolls out new privacy policy amid howls

Google rolled out a new privacy policy Thursday allowing the firm to track users across various services to develop targeted advertising, despite sharp criticism from US and European consumer advocacy groups.

Google grabs personal info off of Wi-Fi networks

(AP) -- Google Inc. has been vacuuming up fragments of people's online activities broadcast over public Wi-Fi networks for the past four years, a breach of Web etiquette likely to raise more privacy worries about the Internet ...

Google founder defends accident records of self-driving cars

Google co-founder Sergey Brin says he sees little reason to release the accident reports involving the Internet company's self-driving cars because he believes there's nothing new in documents withheld to protect the privacy ...

Google flirts with 'creepy line'

Google is flirting with what Chairman Eric Schmidt once called "the creepy line." At its recent developer conference, the Mountain View, Calif., search giant showcased a number of new personalized technologies that many consumers ...

Google won't be taken to court over data gather

The US state of Connecticut said Friday it would hold negotiations with Google over the collection of private wireless data by its Street View mapping cars and not take the Internet giant to court.

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