Related topics: species

Dairy farms are using too much water

Dr. David Campbell, associate professor of water conservation at Heriot-Watt University, said: "The UK uses around 40.9 billion litres of water each year to produce 14 billion litres of milk. There is certainly room for improvement ...

Obama signs wide-ranging conservation law

President Barack Obama signed legislation on Monday expanding and protecting US public parks and wilderness areas from oil and gas development, billed as the largest US conservation measure in more than 15 years.

Rethinking (waste)water and conservation

When it comes to water conservation in cities that depend on wastewater reuse, even the best intentions can have unintended consequences.

Bird rest stops to be tracked by NASA rain radar

( -- At sunset on a spring night, tree-dwelling songbirds take off in a flurry of wings from the lower Delmarva Peninsula near Oyster, Va. The peninsula is a temporary home to hundreds of species of migratory birds. ...

Novel methods to support decision making processes

Mathematical analysis based on numbers and numerical estimates is widely used in decision making everywhere from public administration and business to environmental conservation. Methods for decision analysis evaluate different ...

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