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Quantifying biexciton binding energy

A rare spectroscopy technique performed at Swinburne University of Technology directly quantifies the energy required to bind two excitons together, providing for the first time a direct measurement of the biexciton binding ...

Mini electricity generator made from quantum dots

Machines and electronic devices often generate waste heat that is difficult to utilize. If electricity could be generated from this waste heat, it would offer a means for a clean and sustainable power production: Such a technology ...

Controlling self-doping in magnetite with temperature

One of the most abundant iron-containing minerals on Earth, and also the oldest known magnetic material, is magnetite, Fe3O4. Magnetite has applications in many fields, such as the study of paleomagnetism—magnetism in rocks ...

Suppressing the Auger recombination process in quantum dots

A Quantum Dot (QD) is a nanometer-sized semiconductor nanocrystal that has unique optical properties such as the ability to emit light in the range of optical frequencies depending on its size. QDs have already been applied ...

New view of deep rock fractures for geothermal energy

Scorchingly hot granite deep underground can be tapped for energy by opening up cracks in the rock. This potential resource, known as enhanced geothermal energy, requires a clear sense of changes happening in the rock over ...

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