Light tsunami in a superconductor

Superconductors are materials which conduct electric currents without any resistance. At the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, an international research team headed by Professor Andrea Cavalleri from the Max Planck Institute ...

Naturally occurring mineral for thermoelectric power generation

Researchers with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology have confirmed that a naturally occurring mineral, tetrahedrite, which mainly consists of non-toxic and earth-abundant elements, copper ...

A quantum step to a heat switch with no moving parts

Researchers have discovered a new electronic property at the frontier between the thermal and quantum sciences in a specially engineered metal alloy—and in the process identified a promising material for future devices ...

Semimetals are high conductors

Researchers in China and at UC Davis have measured high conductivity in very thin layers of niobium arsenide, a type of material called a Weyl semimetal. The material has about three times the conductivity of copper at room ...

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