Flame virus a new age cyber spy tool

The Flame computer virus that smoldered undetected for years in Middle Eastern energy facilities confirmed fears that the world has entered a new age of cyber espionage and sabotage.

Japan to fine or jail computer virus creators

Japan will punish people who create or wilfully spread computer viruses with fines and prison terms of up to three years under a new law enacted by parliament.

Cyber crime lords using big business tactics: Cisco

Cyber criminals are aping executives when it comes to sales, marketing and risk management in the world of online treachery, according to a report released by networking giant Cisco.

US Air Force calls drone fleet virus a 'nuisance'

A computer virus that hit the US drone fleet last month created a "nuisance" but no serious threat to flight operations for the unmanned aircraft, the US Air Force said Wednesday.

Self-learning security system for computer networks

Cyber attacks on computer networks are becoming increasingly commonplace. To counter the threat, they are protected by so-called network intrusion detection systems. But these fail to identify some attacks, or do not spot ...

Smartphones under growing threat from hackers

Smartphones are under a growing menace from cyber-criminals seeking to hack into web-connected handsets, but the mobile industry has contained the threat so far, security experts said.

Researchers complete first-ever mapping of human gut virus

Researchers at APC Microbiome Ireland (APC) have collaborated with scientists in the University of York to complete the first ever structural atlas of a crassvirus (also referred to as crassvirales, bacteriophage, crass-like ...

Malware hunter Kaspersky warns of cyber war dangers

The Russian malware hunter whose firm discovered the Flame virus said Wednesday there could be plenty more malicious code out there, and warned he feared a disastrous cyber attack could be coming.

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