Review: HTC Flyer tablet mates with slippery pen

Is it better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all? That's the question posed by a new tablet computer that takes aim at one of the deficiencies of the iPad: that it's difficult to write on it with a stylus ...

Review: Eee Pad tablet transforms into laptop

(AP) -- The tablet computers that compete with the iPad have mostly been uninspiring. The Eee Pad Transformer stands out with a design that isn't just copied from the iPad: It's a tablet that turns into a laptop.

Review: Xoom emerges as first real iPad competitor

Motorola's Xoom has been hailed as the most likely tablet computer to rival Apple's iPad - the first with the goods to compete against the uncontested leader in this nascent but rapidly growing market.

Review: How the iPad won over a skeptic

(AP) -- At first glance, the iPad looked like a heavy, overgrown iPod Touch. After just a few months of use, however, this iPad skeptic realized that it's so much more - it's one of those devices I've always needed. Those ...

Microsoft shows off Windows tablets at gadget show

(AP) -- Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer showed off a new touch-screen, tablet-style computer from Hewlett-Packard Co., the first of several such devices expected to be unveiled this month.

A new generation of computer tablets is on its way

I may have caught a glimpse of the future last week. In San Francisco, a startup company called Fusion Garage showed off the JooJoo, a touch-screen device that looks like the iPhone's big brother. The JooJoo is one of the ...

Beyond -- way beyond -- WIMP interfaces

( -- Human-computer interaction is undergoing a revolution, entering a multimodal era that goes beyond, way beyond, the WIMP (Windows-Icons-Menus-Pointers) paradigm. Now European researchers have developed a platform ...

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