G19 keyboard goes way beyond typing

It seems like the ordinary is no longer acceptable when it comes to the ordinary things we attach to our computers these days. For example, I'll bet the computer mouse you are using is at the very least an optical, cordless ...

Imagine if technology could read and react to our emotions

Computers have always been good at doing fast calculations, but adapting to the emotional state of the person using the computer – now there is a grand challenge! The field is called affective computing, and soon it will ...

The virtual keyboard may soon be a reality (w/ Video)

Today we are constantly online and integrated in a virtual existence. Wii and other game modules make it possible to engage the entire body when playing, and soon Google Glasses and similar products will open up a whole new ...

Learning cursive in the first grade helps students

By 2014, 45 American states will stop teaching cursive writing in favour of keyboard proficiency. In Québec, there are no plans for the moment to abandon this type of writing. "Teaching and daily use of handwriting are essential, ...

Skype makes monsters of us all

When God saw that our egos needed deflating, he invented Skype. Skype is the 21st-century invention that sci-fi movies had been predicting for decades: phonavision. Actually it's "computavision," with a tiny camera at the ...

Typewriter aficionados in US rewrite history, slowly

Ermanno Marzorati has rarely been so busy. He is currently fixing a 1930 Underwood typewriter for Tom Hanks. But there are plenty more ancient writing machines awaiting his tender care.

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