Engineering solutions to real-world problems

A BlueVision Web Scraper that populates a database that tracks and evaluates press coverage. A hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle that will race in next year's Shell Eco-marathon Americas competition. A small cell tower, called the ...

Explained: Graphs

When most people hear the word "graph," an image springs to mind: a pair of perpendicular lines overlaid with a line, a curve, or bars of different heights.

Book says 'Big Data' becoming a global nervous system

When Rick Smolan attended a parent-teacher meeting at his kids' New York City school recently, a spirited discussion broke out about why students were being allowed to text and post on social sites during school hours.

Go with the flow in flood prediction

Floods have once again wreaked havoc across the country and climate scientists and meteorologists suggest that the problem is only going to get worse with wetter winters and rivers bursting their banks becoming the norm. ...

Improving software for asteroid detection

(—Alon Efrat and Jonathan Myers of the UA computer science department are working under a new grant to help improve methods for discovering asteroids on paths toward Earth.

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