The promise of the "learn to code" movement

This week, educators, students and the public around the world are participating in Computer Science Education Week by organizing and leading one-hour coding tutorials.

Statistical physics offers a new way to look at climate

Scientists are using ever more complex models running on ever more powerful computers to simulate the earth's climate. But new research suggests that basic physics could offer a simpler and more meaningful way to model key ...

Study sheds new light on materials assembly in confinement

Cramming multiple pairs of shoes into a vacation suitcase, twisting and flipping them into different arrangements to fit every pair needed, is a familiar optimization problem faced by harried travelers. This same problem ...

New software to support interest in extreme science

( -- Today the University of Chicago's Flash Center for Computational Science will release a major new version of supercomputer code, called FLASH 4-alpha. Based on previous software for simulating exploding stars, ...

Explained: Matrices

Among the most common tools in electrical engineering and computer science are rectangular grids of numbers known as matrices. The numbers in a matrix can represent data, and they can also represent mathematical equations. ...

A picture is worth 1000 words, but how many emotions?

Log on to Twitter, Facebook or other social media and you will find that much of the content shared with you comes in the form of images, not just words. Those images can convey a lot more than a sentence might, and will ...

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