Computer programs improve fingerprint grading

Subjectivity is problematic when evaluating fingerprints, and quality is in the eye of the examiner. But three computer programs used together can give fingerprint grading unprecedented consistency and objectivity, according ...

Cray supercomputer named world's fastest

A Cray supercomputer at the US government's Oak Ridge National Laboratory was named Monday the world's fastest, overtaking an IBM supercomputer at another American research center.

First discovery of a natural topological insulator

( —In a step toward understanding and exploiting an exotic form of matter that has been sparking excitement for potential applications in a new genre of supercomputers, scientists are reporting the first identification ...

Free app protects Facebook accounts from hackers

( -- Two University of California, Riverside graduate students and a company run by an alumnus of the school have partnered to develop a free Facebook application that detects spam and malware posted on users' ...

Computers synthesize sounds to go with graphics

Computer-generated imagery usually relies on recorded sound to complete the illusion. Recordings can, however, limit the range of sounds you can produce, especially in future virtual reality environments where you can't always ...

Machines that learn better

( -- In the last 20 years or so, many of the key advances in artificial-intelligence research have come courtesy of machine learning, in which computers learn how to make predictions by looking for patterns in ...

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