Related topics: protein · genes · genome

Bio-inspired computer networks self-organise and learn

( -- Powerful computers made up of physically separate modules, self-organising networks, and computing inspired by biological systems are three hot research topics coming together in one European project.

Using supercomputer and chemistry to solve global problems

Depending on how they form and their chemical composition, clouds reflect and absorb varying amounts of the sun's energy. That makes them key players in global climate change. Yet the complex molecular processes underlying ...

Gene function discovery: Guilt by association

Scientists have created a new computational model that can be used to predict gene function of uncharacterized plant genes with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The network, dubbed AraNet, has over 19,600 genes associated ...

Researchers synchronize blinking 'genetic clocks' (w/ Video)

Researchers at UC San Diego who last year genetically engineered bacteria to keep track of time by turning on and off fluorescent proteins within their cells have taken another step toward the construction of a programmable ...

Researchers Identify microRNA targets in C. elegans

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs that impact almost every aspect of biology. In recent years, they have been strongly implicated in stem cell biology, tissue and organism development, as well as human conditions ranging ...

Researchers Create New Way To Locate Big Genetic Variants

( -- Yale University researchers, analyzing hundreds of billions of bits of genetic information, have collated and standardized 2,000 signposts that mark the boundaries of large blocks of human genomic variants.

'Shoot-'em-up' video game increases teenagers' science knowledge

While navigating the microscopic world of immune system proteins and cells to save a patient suffering from a raging bacterial infection, young teenage players of the "Immune Attack" video game measurably improved their understanding ...

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