Programming the forces of evolution

The genius of evolution is rarely seen in action, so the invisible hand guiding the direction of biological systems is often taken for granted. However, by applying the principles of natural selection to research questions ...

Chemists unravel reaction mechanism for clean energy catalyst

Hydrogen, the simplest element on Earth, is a clean fuel that could revolutionize the energy industry. Accessing hydrogen, however, is not a simple or clean process at all. Pure hydrogen is extremely rare in nature, and practical ...

Processor made for AI speeds up genome assembly

A hardware accelerator initially developed for artificial intelligence operations successfully speeds up the alignment of protein and DNA molecules, making the process up to 10 times faster than state-of-the-art methods.

Machine learning to scale up the quantum computer

,,Quantum computers are expected to offer tremendous computational power for complex problems –currently intractable even on supercomputers—in the areas of drug design, data science, astronomy and materials chemistry ...

Novel framework for classifying chaos and thermalization

One popular example of chaotic behavior is the butterfly effect—a butterfly may flap its wings in somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and cause a tornado in Colorado. This remarkable fable illustrates how the extreme sensitivity ...

Validating the low-rank hypothesis in complex systems

In a new study, scientists have investigated the pervasive low-rank hypothesis in complex systems, demonstrating that despite high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics, many real networks exhibit rapidly decreasing singular values, ...

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