Sheep can benefit urban lawn landscapes and people

Bicycles whirr by, students rush to class, staff and faculty are grabbing lunch or coffee on the go—and sheep graze the grassy knolls among the traffic, bleating every now and then. The grazing is their job.

Natural environments favor 'good' bacteria

A new study has shown that restoring environments to include a wider range of species can promote "good" bacteria over "bad"—with potential benefits for human health.

What are the environmental impacts of cancer drugs?

Chemotherapeutic drugs, also known as antineoplastic agents, that are prescribed to treat a range of cancer types, enter the aquatic environment via human excretion and wastewater treatment facilities. A review published ...

Building models to predict interactions in plant microbiomes

Plants, animals, and humans are all home to numerous microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. These form complex communities that have a profound impact on the health of their host. One notable microbiome is that of the ...

Researchers find persistent gender gap among scientific editors

To determine the representation of women among scientific journal editors—key players in the scientific community who have the final say about what papers get published—a team led by NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) researchers ...

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