A new space race? China adds urgency to US return to moon

It's not just rocket fuel propelling America's first moonshot after a half-century lull. Strategic rivalry with China's ambitious space program is helping drive NASA's effort to get back into space in a bigger way, as both ...

European cargo craft undocks from space station

The European Space Agency says its cargo craft has successfully undocked from the International Space Station after a failed separation caused by communication problems earlier in the week.

Study shows family solution to teen troubles

(PhysOrg.com) -- How do you keep at-risk teens off drugs and out of trouble? According to a new University of Georgia study, family can make a difference.

Migration can be a good thing for the environment. Here's how

Amsterdammers are proud of their city. But it turns out that people who have moved there from other parts of the world are just as concerned about keeping the place green and pleasant. We surveyed Amsterdam residents and ...

Potentially harmful air contamination near New Bedford Harbor

A new Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) study indicates that the contaminated water of New Bedford Harbor may pose an airborne health hazard for residents living nearby in Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, and ...

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