Related topics: cancer ยท colon cancer

A targeted polymer to treat colorectal cancer liver metastases

A nanosized polymer, developed by a research team from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, can selectively deliver chemotherapeutic drugs to blood vessels that feed tumors and metastases and has emerged as an effective treatment ...

New nanotech gives boost to detection of cancer and disease

Early screening can mean the difference between life and death in a cancer and disease diagnosis. That's why University of Central Florida researchers are working to develop a new screening technique that's more than 300 ...

AI tool helps optimize antibody medicines

Antibody treatments may be able to activate the immune system to fight diseases like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and colorectal cancer, but they are less effective when they bind with themselves and other molecules that aren't ...

A nanoprobe with a barcode: Sensors detect active proteases

Protein-splitting enzymes play an important role in many physiological processes. Such proteases are generally present in an inactive state, only becoming activated under certain conditions. Some are linked to diseases like ...

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