Related topics: laser

Experiments probe megavirus in high resolution

( -- Sandwiched among the many lengthy technical titles for experiments conducted at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source X-ray laser, one stood out for its two-word simplicity, spelled out in all caps: "GIANT VIRUSES."

Extreme plasma theories put to the test

The first controlled studies of extremely hot, dense matter have overthrown the widely accepted 50-year old model used to explain how ions influence each other's behavior in a dense plasma. The results should benefit a wide ...

Organic crystals put laser focus on magnetism

( -- In the first successful experiment of its type at SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source, scientists used terahertz frequencies of light to change the magnetic state of a sample and then measured those changes with ...

Speed and power of X-ray laser helps unlock molecular mysteries

By outrunning a laser's path of destruction, an international research team has created 3D images of fragile but biologically important molecules inside protein nanocrystals. Using the Linac Coherence Light Source (LCLS), ...

Bringing telescope tech to X-ray lasers

( -- Technology that helps ground-based telescopes cut through the haze of Earth's atmosphere to get a clearer view of the heavens may also be used to collect better data at cutting-edge X-ray lasers like the Linac ...

SLAC X-ray laser used to probe biomolecules to individual atoms

An international team led by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has proved how the world's most powerful X-ray laser can assist in cracking the structures of biomolecules, and in the processes helped to pioneer critical ...

Lower energy could lead to more biological imaging at LCLS

While SLAC's Linac Coherent Light Source was designed to push the limits as a high-energy X-ray laser, users' requests have led staff at the facility to successfully step it back to a lower minimum energy for some experiments.

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