50 US coal power plants shut under Trump

Fifty coal-fired power plants have shut in the United States since President Donald Trump came to office two years ago, an environmental organization said Thursday.

Germans favor swift end to coal use as decision nears

As experts held crunch talks Friday on Germany's plans to wean itself off coal in the coming years, thousands of young people marched through the capital calling for a swift end to fossil fuel use.

Pakistan goes against the grain with coal power spree

In Pakistan's bleak Thar desert, the roar of trucks is constant at a massive Chinese-backed coal power project the government sees as an answer to chronic energy shortages, but which activists warn is an environmental disaster.

Trump's coal plan—neither clean nor affordable

Is climate change a problem? Consider the evidence: wildfires in California, Sweden and Siberia; flooding in coastal areas due to sea level rise; droughts in some places and extreme weather and rainfall in others; new and ...

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