COVID-19: Economic slowdown doesn't stop climate change

Efforts to control the coronavirus pandemic have reduced economic activity and led to localized improvements in air quality. But it is too early to assess the implications for concentrations of greenhouse gases which are ...

Australia fires speed global CO2 level rise: UK Met Office

Carbon emissions from the wildfires that have ravaged much of southeast Australia are a major driver of what are predicted to be record worldwide atmospheric CO2 levels throughout 2020, Britain's Met Office said Friday.

The shelf life of pyrite

The last 2.6 million years are characterized by glacial cycles, a regular alternation of cold and warm periods. It is widely accepted that changes in the concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the ...

Teen climate activist to French critics: Listen to science

Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg has told lawmakers at France's lower house of parliament that they need to listen to scientists on the issue of climate change and act now to avert a catastrophe.

Black (nano)gold to combat climate change

Global warming is a serious threat to the planet and living beings. One of the main causes of global warming is the increase in the atmospheric CO2 level. The main source of this CO2 is from the burning of fossil fuels in ...

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